Time for Some Action

“I will master my moods through positive action and when I master my moods I will control my destiny.“

OG Mandino

One of the simplest and most empowering things I've learned as a coach is you don't have to feel ready you just have to be ready.

That very often action beats anxiety.

Meditation is bearing witness to the turbulence of our inner world.

Realising that our thoughts and emotions and constantly changing and reliably unreliable.

To live at the mercy of moods is to surrender to this unreliable force.

The empowering nature of meditation is that we train to be beyond impulse and compulsion.

To be with our thoughts and feelings with out being controlled by them.

Practicing this way every morning can be a reminder that "I am more than my thoughts, I am more that my emotions, I am more than this mood".

I can focus on the task at hand an orient to that which I choose and the person I want to be even when I don't feel like it.

This intimate teaching can then allow us to live with more intention, focus, clarity and direction while at the same time honouring our humanity.

TRY this

Spend 10 - 15 minutes each morning focusing on your breath.

Notice all the subtle sensations that might take your attention away.

Stay with the breath.

If your attention wanders - bring it back.

From you meditation take a moment to list your intentions for the day.

As you move through your day commit to one task at a time. If you notice resistance sharpen your focus, get clear on your intentions and take positive action.

Reflect at the end of the day and commit to doing a little better tomorrow.