"The excuses the once held you back become fuel for the new you."

Your experience & potential is rationed by well reasoned illusions.

Unexplored fears, self righteous knowing, pre-conceived notions.

Through mindful awareness & humble curiosity these "ghosts" come to be seen as what they are.


You realise you are more than you think.

Each time you remember "I am more than my thoughts" the ghosts become guiding lights.

An invitation to self discovery & growth.

As you start to live with the guiding light of mindful awareness, seeing beyond initial impulses & conditioned thoughts, the guardian angels of wisdom, compassion & courage offer you guidance.

The ghosts that once held you back become reminders.
Reminders of your capacity to overcome, reminders of your wholeness, reminders of your limits and your limitlessness.

This is a great gift.

Ponder This

*Think of a time you knew you were right & turned out to be wrong.

*Think of a time when you were sure you couldn't but you did.

*What's something you know that's holding you back?

Is it possible to notice another way?